Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Flower Meditation

For more of this guys music check out his MySpace

Monday, 28 January 2008

The Slyest Fox Intro Mark... whatever

Im not sure where to go from here. Please let me know if you have any criticisms, leave a comment or email me at superjitan at gmail dot com. all constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Yep, veggie is the way

Yep, just accidentally ate a big ol' mouthful of cow fat. That'd boost anyones veggie will power. Gross.

Vegan may be overkill, I do like my eggs. Also, cheese. And milk, loves me some milk. So yeah vegetarian I guess :D wish me luck, cos I'm gonna need cos I suck.

Me = Fail

So I was talking to Callianne last night and about the fact that she's a vegan. After that I thought to myself "I wanna try being a vegan!" Oh such glorious fantasies I have at 2:30am. Long story short its now been twelve hours since that decision and I've already eaten a pasty.


Anyways after that I realised its a bit OTT to go full out vegan and cut out meat and such completely cold turkey (puns from my head to your face since 2006) so I think I'm gonna ween myself off of meat from now on. This isn't any kind of ethical decision, really I think that that kind of green peace "can't eat it cos its cute" or "you shouldn't eat it if you couldn't kill it" kind of thing is pretty ridiculous. The reason, if any, that I want to do this is that, for one thing, I need to lose weight, so this seems like a good way to start and also just to see how I feel after a few weeks or however long I can keep it up.

Anyway, THANKS Calli! for making me feel bad, god...

Memes FTW

No explanation needed

Thursday, 24 January 2008

The Slyest Fox Intro (Pre-Rendered)

This is an early peek at my upcoming intro for Calli (aka the slyestfox on YT)
I still need to do something with the text and then render it (plus anything else Calli wants me to do to it), this was captured using iShowU, the quality should be better when it's actually rendered.

For more of my intros, go to http://www.youtube.com/cauxilus
And also if you're not already subscribed, http://www.youtube.com/theslyestfox, you should be :)

Monday, 21 January 2008

CD Exchange

Yeah, CD Exchange :D
Send us your address and we'll send you 2 back to which you must send each a mix CD. They can be the same mix or different ones. Final date for sending us your address is the 21st of February. Hopefully it should help broaden your musical pallet :)
Email me @ superjitan (at) gmail (dot) com
or Lara (aka the lovely Miss El Train) @ eography (at) gmail (dot) com

Enter, The Third Dimension!

I can make shit in 3D :D all thanks to my current course at college.

This is a robot I'm in the middle of making, you can see some of the initial sketches of him on my DeviantArt.

This is a still from an intro im doing for Calli (aka theslyestfox on youtube) still very not finished.
(I'll get right on it I swear)

And finally this little guy, for some reason I named him coo-tip, I dunno why.
I'm probably gonna be using him in my current animation project if my tutor will ever upload the bloody tutorial!

Just thought I'd do a bit of showing of using my new found plot of e-land.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Pink & Blue

It's like a sequel, or, something.

Rainbow Man

This is a video from a couple of weeks ago, I just felt like posting it on here to see what the embedded video player looks like. If you like this go check out my DeviantArt


Did you miss me? You did didn't you?
Ok so this is the new home of the couchbabies plus... ssstuff!
There is no schedule :D To hell with schedules I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE! I AM BUT ONE MAN! A MAN WITH PRIORITIES! *ehem* anyways yeah, so don't start hollering at me when you haven't had your fix of snappy talking babies. It's gonna be rad guys! RAD!

Friday, 18 January 2008

Yo Yo Yo!

Yeah, so like, I have a blog now? Thats like cool, or, whatever. Oh, and yeah, couchbabies. w00t. fo sho'. But, like, later though. K?